Arts Discussed in Chapter One Gateways to Art Understanding the Visual

© 2019 By Ronald Thomas West for profit & mass paper media redistribution prohibited

3rd Edition / Foreword

his pocket-sized work is a short explanation of the fundamental error or misapprehension of reality by modern idea. If you're from the culture that came up with virgin birth, Santa Claus & the molar fairy, information technology should be like shooting fish in a barrel plenty to empathize when your own advances in quantum mechanics phone call bullshit on everything yous were taught is reality, in other words, the Western Cartesian-Platonic based science, right?

A:" The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato "
-Alfred North Whitehead


B:" The[Plato'south]doctrine that the earth is fabricated upwardly of objects whose existence is independent of man consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established past experiment "-theoretical physicist Bernard d'Espagnat


C:" nouns or millennia subversive process ' objectifying ' language, projecting private identity onto pieces of i ' s surroundings, or dis- integrating environment; a event of the isolated projection of self or (ego) individuation by Western humanity exclusive of integration to a sentient, aware surrounding, where all surroundings had been/should be, social "-Ronald Thomas Westward

For those readers more or less stuck in a rut of the Cartesian-Platonic paradigm of reality, I invite a perusal of the post-obit essays as a creative endeavor in social scientific discipline fiction (and to wonder at what many, many millions of your tax dollars have been spent exploring in the then-called 'special admission programs' of the American intelligence community.)



"We ' re not used to thinking most procedure. We communicate with an object-based linguistic communication. David [Bohm] invented a matter called – "rheomode" – language in which we speak to each other in a flowing fashion. At that place are some aboriginal languages which do this – Hopi Indian and some others. In his volume Wholeness and the Implicate Order, y'all ' ll detect a chapter on language, in which he discusses this rheomode. It didn ' t work [for science], because we were nevertheless thinking of objects" -theoretical physicist Basil Hiley [i]

Follows is a new iteration of my A + B = C lampoon of the Western culture's Cartesian-Ideal paradigm; wherein is explored an entry from the Central Intelligence Agency'south "reading room" concerning the then-called 'paranormal.'

Part one of this series develops why the Western paradigm will never be able to master the phenomenon at the highest level; for the fact they've fenced themselves out of the necessary intelligence with the 'individual' (ego) cultural imperative. This presents an insurmountable obstruction. [two]

Part two volition look at intermediate possibilities (where the CIA might have taken the inquiry since it had gone to deep cover.)

Function three will explore actual possibilities available to the mod mentality or so-chosen 'civilized' states' pursuit of this knowledge inside the severely constricted Cartesian-Platonic cultural paradigm.

Supposedly the so-called 'Stargate Project' had been shut down in 1995, after the CIA had taken full control of the programme and shut out the Defence Intelligence Agency. The certainty this had been a false story to take the research under deep cover is implicit in several reasons;

ane) from the Western 'lab-science' view there had been strong working event & indications pointing to phenomenal but niggling understood & unpredictable human ability to access alternate reality circumventing infinite-time limitations; [3]

2) Navy SEAL officer L.R. Bremseth, in a study for the Marine Corps War Higher, noted Stargate research implications pointing to what he names "Transcendent Warfare" necessitating a deep cover for further development of understanding how the exploration of 'alternative dimensions' might be developed in such a manner as to render the present utilize of warfare obsolete:

"Transcendent warfare ' due south bear on extends well beyond remote viewing, which offers a glimpse of the possible. It likewise holds the potential for fundamentally shifting and expanding our current understanding of reality to such an extent that manipulation of established reality parameters, such as time, becomes possible if not plausible. The showtime nation or group that actualizes transcendent warfare will therefore possess a strategic reward that may prove insurmountable" [4]

3) Last, but non least, the very fact of the CIA's 'reading room' having situated the DIA material for the public's perusal, points at looking to initiate discussion (they will no uncertainty try monitoring) or trying to develop farther information (a case of be careful of what yous wish for.) This while CIA has studiously remained silent on their ain, concurrent studies of Stargate type textile in cooperation with the Stanford Research Institute'due south Russell Targ (a real creep) and colleagues. [v]

I should mention hither (without giving up their names) I'd been for a number of years acquainted with ii top paranormal professionals in constabulary enforcement and they had 3rd colleague (I am not acquainted with) who was i of the principals in Stargate Projection. However this might seem coincidental (we did non ever discuss Stargate per se), for my own part I do not believe it is coincidental at all these acquaintances were invested in exploring relevant Native American astounding experience (sweat guild & sacred sites.) Without assigning any malevolent motivation to this preceding (in my experience these were ethical people), in my Native view of this small world nosotros live in, I would also never assign coincidence to the fact of my discovering, birthday independently, intelligence agency penetration of professional person associations for the purpose of exploring the paranormal through (among other fields of expertise) anthropology direct to subject of Native American spirituality. In this regard I will name names: the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and its' past president, James O'Dea.

The Constitute of Noetic Sciences had been cooperating with (laundering?) CIA funded 'stargate' research past Russell Targ of the Stanford Research Plant since at to the lowest degree the early to middle 1970s:

"Harold Puthoff and Russell Targ

Electronics and Bioengineering Laboratory.

Stanford Research Institute

Menlo Park, California 94025

* Presented at the annual meeting of the Parapsychological Association of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, St. John ' s University, Jamaica, New York, Baronial 22-24, 1974. Supported by a grant from the Foundation for Parasensory Investigation, New York Metropolis, and the Found of Noetic Sciences, Palo Alto, California" [six]

Relevant to the series that follows this introduction, one of the 'paradox' of the paranormal research scientific community is, under a cover of 'peace, healing, evolution of spirit and the general welfare and future skillful of humanity', i finds the inter-meshed intelligence agencies pursuit of discovering the keys to "transcendent warfare."

Downward the Rabbit Hole

Part one of this series develops why the Western paradigm volition never exist able to master the so-chosen 'paranormal' miracle at the highest level; for the fact they've fenced themselves out of the necessary intelligence with the 'private' (ego) cultural imperative. This presents an insurmountable obstacle.

There is an anonymous zerohedge article on 'paranormal warfare' quoting (quotes follow in italics, sans illustrations) the Us Ground forces Security Command, material drawn from the CIA "reading room." I volition constrain myself to the excerpted quotes (the complete original material is quite lengthy.) If this anonymous article is actually a CIA prompt to initiate discussion from which they might harvest ideas, the cited sections are likely where there is ongoing struggle to control certain aspects and search for insights.

"The Gateway Process"

In society to induce remote viewing and other psychic phenomenon, The US Army studied the "Gateway Process" – essentially perfecting meditation techniques developed past the Monroe Plant which let humans to harness their own electromagnetic energy waves, command them, and effectively traverse fourth dimension and space.

The procedure is performed by synchronizing both hemispheres of the brain.

Fundamentally, the Gateway Feel is a training system designed to bring enhanced strength, focus and coherence to the aamplitude and frequency of brainwave output between the left and right hemispheres so as to modify consciousness, moving it outside the physical sphere and then as to ultimately escape fifty-fifty the restrictions of time and space. The participant then gains admission to the various levels of intuitive cognition which the universe offers.

The Gateway process is designed to rather rapidly induce a state of profound calm inside the nervous arrangement and to significantly lower blood pressure level to crusade the circulatory system, skeleton and all other physical organ systems to brainstorm vibrating coherently at approximately 7–seven.5 cycles per 2nd. The resulting resonance sets upward a regular, repetitive sound wave which propagates in consonance with the electrostatic field of the earth.

To enter these intervening dimensions, homo consciousness must focus with such intense coherence that the frequency of the free energy pattern which comprises that consciousness (i.eastward. the brainwave output) can accelerate to the bespeak where the resulting frequency pattern, if displayed on an oscilloscope, would wait virtually similar a solid line. Achievement of this state of altered consciousness sets the phase for perception of non-time-space dimensions because of the operation of a principle in physics known as Planck ' due south Distance.

Moreover, once the individual is able to project his consciousness across time-infinite, that consciousness would logically tend to entrain its frequency output with the new energy surroundings to which it is exposed, therein greatly enhancing the extent to which the individual ' south contradistinct consciousness may be further modified to attain a much heightened indicate of focus and a much refined oscillating pattern. [vii]

The fundamental mistake in the preceding, from the 'pre-modern' (pre-Columbian) view is, the artificial (invention or artifice) practical to something that is possessed of it's own principal laws and subsets of attending rules. Whatever "new energy environment" might be 'found' .. 'out in that location' .. is as liable to impairment the practitioner equally whatever other outcome because at that place are no immunities adult in the described process that should serve as 'shields' which provide protection for the capacity to recognize, understand and refrain from trespassing forbidden fields (which exist for a purpose.)

Particularly relevant to the CIA'due south pursuit of espionage, per the aboriginal understanding is, all lies, to (especially) include cocky deceits, no affair how small, are recorded equally errors (within the self), excepting a sure phenomenon having to exercise with 'creating reality' that 'lies' inside a principal law of paradox (emphasizing 'a' principal law and minimizing 'the' principal police except as situationally apropos) that has its' own subset of rules. These recorded errors, subsequently-consequently, can 'read' by the larger sentient awareness (environment) via the personal 'energy field.'

Information technology follows, exploring the several and so-called 'psychic' phenomena (e.yard. telekinesis, remote viewing) from the lab of Cartesian-Platonic Western scientific discipline volition exist an ongoing, rank neglect, for the fact of the major cultural self-deceit called 'objectivity.' In fact all matter is consciousness imbued and any unmarried 'object' cannot be 'separated' from awareness but only isolated from the self via a ready of steps routing around any 'object'; this requires a 'presupposition' or, realizing certain circumstance volition be encountered enervating a practice of 'avoidance' (practical invisibility.) Herein (indigenous practice) is a matter of seeing but purposely, consciously not engaging simply because the Western method is 'proactive' (projective) it cannot avoid date (cartoon attending to itself) concerning certain laws and attention forces it does non factor in (does not know how to.)

This *misapprehension* (emphasizing as relative to the stated purpose of Stargate) might seem quite quondam. This becomes readily apparent when the practices concerning Stargate derive from 'related' practices of meditation such equally that of the Eastern philosophy rooted in modern yogis or contemporary Buddhists. In fact these 'Eastern' methods, if old past Western standard, are really quite contempo and are precisely opposed (180 degrees contrary, with few exceptions) to what had been the 'pre-civilized' practice of meditation, quite nicely captured by an observer of this reporter'southward previous piece of work:

"… in Penucquem Speaks Ron West says that

""A necessary circumstance to bring real ceremony…into your life is the idea that meaningful life is an observational meditation interacting with nature.""

"Already we can see meaning and attending getting wrapped up together in this beautifully succinct summation of the bones Blackfeet outlook on life. Nosotros tin see clearly though, that for Ron and his Blackfeet teachers, the conviction that all life is meaningful and synchronistic leads to a heightened observation of one ' s surrounding surround* …" [footnoted]

Footnote: "*Which for each of the states is what makes up our individual worlds. This type of meditation, then, leads not out of the globe, but deeperin"[bold in the original] [8]

Nearly, precisely correct, excepting the Western thought of "individual." In other words, when i is in persistent meditative state integrated to one's natural surroundings, this leads to the ability to come across and traverse the open up avenues provided by (what I have described elsewhere equally) 'the timing' or 'living clock' of a meta-awareness (synchronicity in the quoted article.) [9]


Where the Ground forces program states…

"the Gateway Experience is a training arrangement designed to bring enhanced strength, focus and coherence to the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output between the left and right hemispheres so as to modify consciousness, moving it outside the physical sphere and then every bit to ultimately escape even the restrictions of time and space. The participant then gains access to the various levels of intuitive knowledge which the universe offers"

…the deviation to the ancient is stark; wherein Gateway terms similar the following are offered:

"To enter these intervening dimensions, homo consciousness must focus with such intense coherence that the frequency of the energy blueprint which comprises that consciousness (i.e. the brainwave output) can accelerate to the bespeak where the resulting frequency pattern, if displayed on an oscilloscope, would look virtually like a solid line"

This (firsthand preceding) is similar using a laser to cut a road to a destination the ancient Blackfoot would traverse equally easily as becoming a butterfly or, every bit naturally like shooting fish in a barrel as dreaming in the waking state (the butterfly represents this.) The qualitative deviation is immense; Because the aboriginal is relaxed in to one'south environment, they are 'shown' the destination; whereas the Western experiment is a 'focus of such intense coherence' it is akin to forcing one's fashion out of their presence (present) with destination uncertain and breathless (for the fact of circumventing the purposed avenues of this world's larger, sentient awareness.)

Properly navigating the (larger, sentient) meta awareness framework, in a mechanistic sense, could be described equally something like this:

Consider the spiderweb, but give information technology horizontal and vertical and so every other necessary dimension to create a sphere. What we exercise is, if you lot consider yourself inside a brawl with transparent pare and we 'walk' the ball throughout this network of intersecting spider web with vista opening (in front end) and closing (backside) … but everything depends on how you wait at things because there is two views. Maybe some of those reading hither have washed the following exercise, when looking through the glass of a window; if y'all shift your consciousness, you can see through the window or apply the window every bit a mirror. As an illustration, both views are useful but in Western culture only 1 is normally used in the window of awareness and information technology is non the 'looking through' that is mostly used … just only rarely, in limited ways.

The brain is an energized hologram (processor) and body a vehicle but 'energies' are non limited to this, 'life' (energy-sensation is not limited to biological processes) is manifest in everything nosotros encounter. Nosotros put interpretations on our experience when encountering another free energy and there is something like a organization of filters to requite perspective to what nosotros take encountered, in a way that can brand sense to united states. Most (modern or 'Westernized') people aren't very good at this, they assign too much value to the image and don't encounter (and cannot observe, follow, engage, undo or altogether avoid) the energy. This is outcome of placing undue focus on the 'physical' manifestation (vehicle) of the energies encountered but not interpreting the surrounding/integrated (it tin be either or both) associated energies properly, a consequence of separated hemispheres of the brain with 'dominance' (out-sized importance) given to logic within a concrete framework or focus on 'matter' rather than 'energy' (free energy beingness a much wider concept than that related to consumption, and possessing many level of subtleties.)

The point is, when in constant country of 'meditative' self-correction (maintaining equilibrium) inside these ideas, when one is not 'separated' (objectified), this sensation of self-integration (to surroundings) permeates yourself and 1's environment; and is integrated to the 'timing' (is non only transferred/broadcast or projected into surrounding surroundings but is equally able to be receptive and knows necessary neutral states likewise) providing ability to shape (or to open, be shown into & follow) intelligent management while fugitive pitfalls. This necessarily excludes the modern 'psychics' who should be (technically) described as a 'herniated' Western intelligence with a constricted (severely express) admission to nature's metadata web (within which are infinite intra-dimensional possibilities.)

Of critical understanding to the divergence betwixt 'separated' and 'un-separated' (or modern and pre-modern) cultures, is the location of conscious awareness. In the modernistic, conscious awareness is somehow locked into a dominance of the left hemisphere of the brain in the individual; in the pre-modern, witting awareness is experienced as coordinated shifts betwixt the left and correct hemispheres of the GROUP. This last is (or had been) a seasonal shift where 'ceremony' serve(s)/serve(d) equally calibration with the metadata web. In this pre-modern state, a related analogy would exist conscious awareness was never located at whatever altitude, when in one hemisphere, from the other hemisphere, just kept the hemispheres closely interlinked in sense of residual; forth the lines of shifting balance on a bicycle – left-winter to correct-summer – and back. This matter of a dynamic balancing human action, that doesn't experience stasis (in the Western sense), requires born into and a lifetime of polish through learning (in the pre-mod) to grasp and function inside at highest level.

The oxymoron inherent in Stargate is, it is the Western cultural shaping (education) kills the ability to employ this sight at the fluent level; the higher the educational level in Cartesian-Platonic philosophy based scientific discipline (over-training a 'locked downwardly' left hemisphere actually opposed in corking respect to the right hemisphere), the less ability is manifest to practically engage, whilst noting any Cartesian-Platonic shaped 'intellectual' grasp of the phenomenon is lite years from ability to fluently perform.

The Nazi Meme

"There on the hillside, a great herd of pigs was feeding. And the demonic spirits begged him, send us into the pigs, let us enter them" -Mark five:xi

The New Testament quote adequately describes the Nazi meme's escape from Frg via various Western intelligence agencies' operations rescuing German scientists and intelligence professionals (war criminals) in the aftermath of World War Two. The 'demonization' of paganism, in popularized rewriting of history of the Reich notwithstanding, this rescue was a 'Christian' event, cease to end, facilitated by conservative American Christians, exemplified in the CIA's William 'Bill' Donovan & Allen Dulles, when rescuing conservative High german Christians; recalling the political plank of the Nazi party emphasized "Positive Christianity." [ten], [11], [12]

It follows, when your intelligence agency had rescued the 'science' leading to ballistic missile 'advances' for hydrogen flop delivery in our 'civilized' globe, it should come as no surprise (at all) to discover 'medical' experiments at Dachau had inspired CIA Projects Blue Bird, Artichoke & MK ULTRA, ultimately leading to the career path of today's torturer-in-chief Gina Haspel. [13]

"Publicly acknowledged programs are considered distinct from unacknowledged programs, with the latter colloquially referred to equally " black " programs because their very existence and purpose are classified. Amid black programs, further distinction is made for "waived" programs, considered to be and so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress. The chairperson, ranking member, and, on occasion, other members and staff of relevant Congressional committees are notified only orally of the existence of these programs" [14]

Going to the 'cellularizing' of CIA, and an agency phenomena called 'eye-wash' where i part of the agency is deliberately deceived equally to the actual activities and accomplishments of another, related sector, assigned to solving identical problems, it is a fair question to wonder which, if any of Stargate Project'due south goals had been accomplished and reported. It would be quite easy for the agency's criminal deep cover scientific discipline programs to evade even minimal reporting by merely putting forrad oral reports to committee chairmen concerning a team assigned to 'benign' inquiry (layer of cover) while the 'dirty' enquiry team is never so much every bit breached with a pinprick of calorie-free. [15]

Beyond the preceding, at that place is the possibility of 'offshoring' projects such as MK ULTRA had been, according to a quondam CIA official:

"Although misleading (and occasionally perjured) testimony earlier Congress indicated that the CIA ' s ' brainwashing ' efforts met with little success, hit advances were, in fact, made in this field. Every bit the late CIA veteran Miles Copeland once admitted to a reporter, 'The congressional subcommittee which went into this sort of matter got but the barest glimpse. ' Clandestine inquiry into thought manipulation has not stopped, despite CIA protestations that information technology no longer sponsors such studies. 14-twelvemonth CIA veteran, Victor Marchetti, confirmed in a 1977 interview that the heed control inquiry continues, and that CIA claims to the contrary are a 'cover story'" [16]

fear is a 'palpable' matter

Listen command is equally sometime as civilization's ability to create a message encapsulating one's environment; example given is the Cosmic church building war on paganism via avenue creating a meme of fright where in tardily stage of stamping out whatsoever cultural habit deviating from norms established by ruling elites of the era, it had been held in a prescript of Pope Innocent VIII, Malleus Maleficarum:

"…many persons of both sexes, unmindful of their own conservancy and straying from the Cosmic Religion, accept abased themselves to devils, incubi and succubi, and past their incantations, spells, conjurations, and other accursed charms and crafts, enormities and horrid offences, have slain infants yet in the mother ' s womb, as too the offspring of cattle, have blasted the produce of the earth, the grapes of the vine, the fruits of the trees, nay, men and women, beasts of burthen, herd-beasts, as well every bit animals of other kinds, vineyards, orchards, meadows, pasture-land, corn, wheat, and all other cereals; these wretches furthermore afflict and torment men and women … with terrible and piteous pains and sore diseases, both internal and external; they hinder men from performing the sexual act and women from conceiving, whence husbands cannot know their wives nor wives receive their husbands; over and above this, they blasphemously renounce that Faith which is theirs by the Sacrament of Baptism, and at the instigation of the Enemy of Mankind they practise not shrink from committing and perpetrating the foulest abominations and filthiest excesses to the deadly peril of their own souls, whereby they outrage the Divine Majesty and are a cause of scandal and danger to very many" [17]

With a resurgence of paganism (neo-paganism) and wiccan behavior systems, there had been conservative, pro-life, pagan/wiccan brotherhood coalesced in support of Ron Paul's candidacy for president in 2008 (particularly at myspace prior to that platform's dismantlement as a viable social media site.) Meanwhile Alex Jones' 'infowars' spreads the Illuminati ritual sacrifice meme, smearing paganism with guilt by association, equating infidel beliefs with Satanism (which is, past definition, a Judeo-Christian organized religion having naught to do with Paganism per se.) [eighteen], [19]

What nosotros see Alex Jones doing is niggling different to the Papal Balderdash Malleus Maleficarum generating paranoia while creating a deep and abiding horror, except in Jones' case, planting the seeds of a lynch mob mentality in a major uneducated & alienated subset of the American population. When Jones talks about, and does interviews with, clinically paranoid Christians on "heed control", what he is likewise doing (with the amend educated) is associating listen command as a metadata bailiwick with the idea this is a topic best fit for the mental froot-loops of society. In other words, the subject of mind control seems to take been the target of a serious disinformation entrada with multiple objectives. Relative to his interview with Fritz Springer (who comes across as a 'jail house catechumen' to Christianity), on Springer's volume 'Bloodlines of the Illuminati', it does well to recall an earlier incarnation of a compulsive liar & felon, Karl May, who wrote the fiction capturing the mind of an entire nation, to possibly include Adolf Hitler. [20], [21]

In this regard, it does to accept a look at Jones' relationship to the 'modern inquisition' or the organisation which brought us MK Ultra. [22]

Jones has admitted he comes from a CIA career family. With both parents and his maternal uncle identified as CIA operatives and 'infowars' co-founders ('operative' can announce 'asset' and does not necessarily imply or exclude 'officer'), taken together with the infowars propaganda (disinformation) contour concerning mind command as informed by Alex Jones, information technology is a reasonable assertion Jone's InfoWars program had been assigned information operations intended to imprint any mind control accusations concerning the U.s.a. as the fantasy of 'conspiracy theorists', a terminology that, in and of itself, had been weaponized by the Central Intelligence Agency. [23], [24]

'beneficial' versus 'dirty'

The parameters of possibilities available to the CIA (recalling the culturally inculcated Cartesian-Ideal limitations), pursuit of 'transcendent warfare' in relation to 'mind control' and its' larger possibilities, should include 2 tracks, cultural anthropology and laboratory.

the 'beneficial'

The 1st or 'benign' method would, instance given, explore historical methodology such as Buddhism, within it's heed control (meditation) practices, while searching for method of exploitation. A ripe target (low hanging fruit) would exist the increasingly Westernized Buddhist communities, with their attraction of the socially dysfunctional in circumstance providing opportunity to written report furnishings of the breakdown in longtime Buddhist cultural strictures, such equally prohibited practices (to novice monks & lay people) similar 'external' meditation. Practices forbidden in mainstream Thai Theravada sects non so much as being mentioned as interdicted in Western accommodation and studies of the same, recalls an oftentimes repeated warning:

"Carl Jung once warned that Western people who take upward Eastern spiritual practices run the danger, first, of doing those practices inauthentically, since they are not beginning with an Eastern psychic structure, and secondly, of using those practices to avoid the existent psychological work they, as people with Western psyches, need to do to e'er go ready for higher spiritual practice"

Such a social surround, via bureau clandestine anthropological fieldwork, should provide both; opportunity to initiate & study an altered Buddhism'due south effects on the damaged psyches of Western pathological subjects, and serve as a recruiting footing to experiment with manipulating the human being psyche for purposes of developing avenues to transcendent warfare. [25], [26], [27]

What the preceding will NOT accomplish is, overcoming the culturally inculcated Cartesian-Platonic stigma on female intelligence (noting the associated Western path to female person emancipation is to go like men), too, it should be noted the classic far Eastern civilizations, if closer to the shamanic origins from which derives 'Tao', exhibit their ain forms of chauvinism necessary to prop up the narcissistic male hierarchy underpinning the vertical ('erect') social structures in 'civilization.'

the 'dingy'

The second, or laboratory method, should immediately recall the Nazi inspired history of the Central Intelligence Agency listen control projects. Where today's 'known' USA 'interrogation' methods draw their inspirations from experiments at Dachau, nosotros as well should recall who'd been hired past the CIA post-obit WWII:

"His torture rooms had tables with restraints, ovens, and implements for electrocution" & "They would carry by the bodies of tortured people. With the point of a kick, Barbie would plow their heads to look at their faces, and if he saw someone he believed to be a Jew, he would crush it with his heel"

Klaus Barbie'south rescue & employ by the USA records Nazi criminality into the 1980s, inclusive of Barbie becoming a veteran of the CIA'due south Latin America 'dirty wars' (i may presume inclusive of torture) and arms & narcotics trafficking. [28], [29]

In lite of the preceding, information technology becomes clear there is a general timeline continuity, where Nazi veterans of the CIA (a presumption of influence) ties to senior leadership of the agency'due south current era, or a case of culturally inculcated inter-generational violence. [30]

In this regard, recalling MK ULTRA family unit of projects had barely been exposed, not merely had been swept under the carpet co-ordinate to well placed CIA informants (Victor Marchetti, Miles Copeland) rather than discontinued per the agency's official line, it could be a reasonable supposition farthermost torture involving hypnosis, memory erasure, sexual abuse & torture of children, and more than, had and does keep, in 'off-shored' & 'out-sourced' laboratories. Had at that place been, and is at that place before long, such a thing in the stable of subservient (to CIA) intelligence agencies of the several allied Latin American nations? Colombia and its' tenure under Uribe should be a candidate worthy of investigation. Too noteworthy is the Australian psychiatric hospital 'experimenting' with LSD that birthed the Anne Byrne cult, with its sex abuse and torture focus, sharing a common timeline with MK ULTRA LSD based 'research' (torture) in the psychiatric department at McGill Academy at Montreal, Canada:

"most of the researchers and doctors involved in Project MK ULTRA … were not informed of the project or of the fact that the funds for their research originated from the spy bureau. In social club to conceal the source of money, the CIA created inquiry foundations, such as the Human Ecology Fund, to act as fronts for funnelling MK ULTRA inquiry funds. The CIA then worked through such organizations to target researchers with projects that were of interest to them in developing techniques of interrogation or human behaviour command" [31], [32]

How interesting the Byrne cult, on top of employing doctors of psychiatry from a professional establishment, not merely used LSD laced torture technique coupled to sexual abuse of children, merely besides embraced Nazi eugenics.

Within this necrotic history, it is certainly plausible modern lab advances have been employed to study disassociated states in relation to the paranormal possibilities of Stargate Project.

Transcendent Warfare

This series began with referencing a story of gimmicky Russian military 'combat' parapsychology efforts discussing the American Defense Intelligence Agency's 'former' research into the paranormal miracle chosen "remote Viewing" (the real focus of the Zerohedge story, for lack of information on the Russian side.) This author has taken the story forward to develop its' implications for what is named "Transcendent Warfare" in a paper for the Marine Corps War College discussing the 'discontinued' Stargate Plan.

Part three explores the bodily possibilities available to the mod mentality; or and then-chosen 'civilized' states' pursuit of Stargate type programs exploring a 'transcendent warfare' understanding, within the severely constricted Cartesian-Platonic cultural paradigm.

they would 'literally' run into you coming

Ceremonial 'remote viewing' translates to English across the several Northern plains tribes as the 'telescope lodge.'  This had been an authentic practice deriving from ancient times. In the modern era it is problematic for a few reasons, not least because it has go a widely faked do. [33]

Setting bated the out & out fakes, there should be those natives assimilated to Western civilization to some degree (1 hates to say 'damaged') who retain a college than average (compared to Western psychics) ability to 'come across', if for no other reason than there had not yet been enough generations of these lineages stamped out by Christianity. If these parties had admission to the original laws (oral tradition, sans training) apropos this 'sight', they should know the dominion: each time this sight is used frivolously, one twenty-four hour period is subtracted from your life expectancy.

Then, at that place are those surviving bonafide practitioners, properly trained in the tradition of sight, aware of the web's energy strings and possessed of the power to see the 'energies.' The implications for the Western investigator seeking this cognition, if they simply knew the bodily score, would be something larger than profound; for the fact these indigenous high practitioners actually do be but for the Western globe, they might as well not exist, because you could not 'see' them. This paradox of invisibility I am pointing to is, these particular people would literally 'meet' y'all coming, not merely as some individual only with all of your attending 'energies.' This fact would automatically shut off all transfer of data to anyone associated with 'error recordings' in a macro-cosmic sense. Let me explain:

Accumulated small 'mistake recordings', although nearly unknown in the past, are common today because Western civilisation has determined 'pick pressure' for intelligence is no longer practical to the community in either; the social-cultural context (leadership), or its' closely associated natural context (survival exterior to the village.) The rude (honest) manner of stating this phenomenon of the electric current era would be 'morons abound.' We're used to seeing this in the modern times, very few individuals remain in a state of integrity providing a make clean (error free) light. Altogether unlike to this 'dull' lite is another mistake recording reflected (one could say) in intense light; in that location is no escape when your fault is big, it cannot be curtained. Anyone associated with a project like Stargate, or other projection, seeking method that short-cuts or otherwise 'cheats' (records errors into their light apropos) those avenues the living macrocosmic organization really offers, should discover their pilgrimage into the authenticity of the ancient world'south learning proceed to vanish before their optics; like a delusion. None of the practitioners notwithstanding fluent in the truly aboriginal ways would wish to 'muddy' their own light past opening to anyone with severe, recorded mistakes. Just exposing themselves tin can damage their abilities. Cultural anthropology could never 'find' these people (they could not authentically open), it simply never worked. With the existent priests of the cognition ruled out, what you're left with in any search for keys to transcendent warfare (exploitation) is the intermediate level practitioners (between the fakes and the real) or what Floyd HeavyRunner (High Priest of Okan) called "The Witches."

forbidden practices

Mel Gibson's Catholic hypocrisy concerning Meso-American civilizations (noting the Christian culture's ritual cannibalism called "Communion") should not be construed to extend 'savagery' to those native nations who'd not strayed from the lessons of the 'living clock' briefly encapsulated in the preceding pages. In fact, the Blackfoot prohibition on cannibalism isat minimum 12,000 years former, dating to the story of the cannibal witch ai-ta-pyooyi and her attempted escape from justice past crossing a river while riding on the dorsum of a mammoth (the mammoth submerged and she was swept abroad by the current and drowned.) [34], [35]

It follows, nosotros should wait at the ancient system in a calorie-free of ethics exterior of stereotype, including stereotype produced by Western anthropology.

The fact of a knowledge of 'sorcery' (a superstitious misnomer, authentic practices would be based in easily understood principles of Western scientific discipline if there were no Cartesian-Platonic misconception called 'objectivity') is inescapable in the journeying of learning in the ancient way. For many millennia, social ethics do prohibited its' employ. These prohibitions had been based in a superior agreement of consequence due to 'error recordings' connected to 'energy strings' where deliberate machinations (as well, lesser mistakes) outside to 'permissions' (permitted avenues) should invariably pb to disaster. This recalls the anecdote where a 'whiteman' (a low-cal-skinned Indian misidentified as such) had been insulted at ceremony past a racist Native American. The 'offended party' actually took no criminal offence simply was well aware of the higher gild of rules; remaining at-home and 'perfectly' non reacting (not recording the mistake into himself), it was a few hours only and the the offender was notified his mother had, but a few hours before, suddenly and unexpectedly died.

Because 'the energy string' could not 'adhere' to the target of the insult, it rebounded to the source the trouble; in a culture (matriarchy) where women are the disciplinarians, in this particular instance the energy 'dead-ended' at its' source or in the party who'd failed to fairly instill proper behaviors in the offender. Anniversary transcending the space-time continuum accentuated this (made it firsthand.) In the ancient way, insults are considered to be a form of petty sorcery (referencing the English language term 'curse'), and considering of the miracle of energy strings, sorcery in an indigenous context is a dangerous business organization, recalling the sometime Due west frontier wisdom 'it would be smarter to outright kill an Indian, than to insult him.'

In light of this (immediate preceding) bit touching on the intelligence agencies' exploring the possibilities of "transcendent warfare", while seeking to circumvent the space-time continuum via the then-chosen "hemi-sync" device, it volition practise to give a get-go hand instance of indigenous ceremony relevant to this.

In that location is an (largely unknown to the anthropologists) ancient (by oral history account 900 or more than years) ancestor to the 'Ghost Dance' of Wovoka, to which this reporter (yours truly) was apprenticed to a priest for eleven years (Fall of 1981 through 2002.) During one of these events on upper Cut Bank Creek above Starr School on the Blackfeet Reservation in Montana, USA, there was a knock on the door of the ceremonial house which was unusual considering during anniversary the rule is an open door, no knocking. Sitting closest to the door, I opened it to a young adult female request for help, there had been an automobile wreck and people were injure. The chief room this door opened to was crowded, with many ceremonial attendees, and as I turned to ask who would be able to help, people were already moving towards the door to go out and assist, everyone had seen and heard the person at the door. Merely no one was there. The immature woman had vanished from apparently sight in open up terrain. Her clarification fit one of the victims of a motorcar accident 2 years previously, only a short distance from the house. These are (or had been) frequent occurrences in the pre-Western indigenous experiential context.

The qualitative deviation between the artificial lab experiments or "hemi-sync" and the ceremony is quite large; when the entire grouping is in the channel opened in the space-time continuum, without 'projection' or motivation to investigate and/or manipulate, there is little danger posed to those who go on within the ceremonial rules where the window is opened and airtight. On the other hand, one can merely speculate (in case of classified records) whether some of the 'hemi-sync' experiments resulted in 'lost' mentalities where at that place had been projection of the person'due south awareness to place unknown where they became trapped in out-of-body experience (couldn't discover their way back), perhaps had their awareness dismantled or destroyed, or at the other end, became opened to what only could be called 'possession' in the Western religious sense. Because the Western lab begins from the premise…

"a grooming system designed to bring enhanced force, focus and coherence to the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output between the left and right hemispheres so equally to modify consciousness, moving information technology exterior the physical sphere so as to ultimately escape fifty-fifty the restrictions of fourth dimension and infinite. The participant then gains access to the various levels of intuitive noesis which the universe offers"

…but at that place is clearly no foundational or working agreement of just what information technology is 'the universe offers' in a programme that recklessly risks the unknown, seeking to exploit reality parameters for the purposes of espionage and "transcendent warfare." This approach would be best abandoned for a limited understanding of the energy strings exploited by common sorcery.

Sorcery in the mod world is a much degenerated practice when juxtaposed to that prohibited by the ancients. In this respect, an understanding of sorcery should be framed in such a way as to circumvent the modern (church invented) stereotype blaming infidel practices which were likely something altogether unlike than the charges promulgated past their accusers. Authentic pre-Christian ceremony and sorcery in the indigenous American hunter-gatherer sense had been mutually exclusive concepts, any bonafide sorcerer would steer clear of accurate ceremony and the priests of the ethnic philosophies disallowed the practice. [36]

Reframing the concept returns us to the virtually ancient stories of a time when the women's law (matriarchy) came into existence and the capital punishment for a woman (a law made past women, for women) was the cutting off of the nose to make the living person resemble a skull. This terrible act is equally erstwhile as the stories of a time when women were possessed of a ability that could impale with simple focus and projected idea: "I put my finger through that person."

On the other manus, men required more effort to perform a fatal act of sorcery, they needed to draw the attention of the victim in some style as to generate fearfulness, setting up an energy string for exploitation. I method to do this would be to poke a abrupt stick into a man'south footprint in circumstance where the intended victim should notice and detect ane of his arrows had been stolen, modified & used against him. The arrowhead might have been removed and used on another pointer to superficially wound, not fatally, a dangerous beast, perhaps a carry. The intended victim would not explicitly know this second office of the deed of sorcery merely wouldsense a crime committed that should trigger fright in hereafter encounter.

Exploiting the principles of 'energy strings' (spinning an unnatural line in the web) this style, the criminal player exploits fearfulness; and depending on the level of 'error recordings' in the victim, (the cognition of the victim he has uncorrected mistakes), this sequence of events could hands pb to death, whether by an actual bear in surprise encounter via the artificial energy channel tied to any comport encountered sensing this person every bit a threat, to the fear concept's methylation of the victim'south Dna causing a cancer, or the associated mental distress and preoccupation causing a loss of 'sight' and consequent inattention in circumstance leading to a fatal result. On the other hand, if the intended victim was possessed of 'make clean calorie-free' (no, or minimal & faint, error recordings), the act of sorcery should backfire and expressionless finish with (terminate) the initiator. Sorcery was (and is) a dangerous business. [37]

Were the preceding to be experimented with, example given, by the micro-organism sized, ethical personalities running DARPA, one should wait a lab burn down of unprecedented calibration. It is minor wonder 'civilization' appears suicidal.

a re-posit of sod's or irish potato's police force

Briefly returning to the 'remote viewing' phenomenon, juxtaposed to the idea of 'free energy strings' and sorcery, information technology should be stated in introduction to this last section of part 3 they are both; channels and strings that open similar channels and vibrate like strings. I would use the metaphor of light is both a particle and a moving ridge. Remote viewing (and more radically, 'hemi-sync') & anniversary employs this phenomenon as a aqueduct, sorcery employs these 'avenues' as strings. [38]

When anniversary 'opens a window', this is non projective, but specific to invitation created for visitors chosen (in the common colloquial) 'spirits.' In other words, a ceremonial 'safe infinite' is created where our ancestors mingle with the 'present' people and (if there is a future) the 'future' people (for whom we are the ancestors.) The 'qualified' equivalent of 'hemi-sync' we create as formalism people is a synchronizing of the GROUP via ceremonial behaviors inclusive of several acts related to relics & taboos. We know who we are dealing with via the relics, and the taboos keep unwanted lanes shut. Nosotros know how it is to be washed. All of this is, in a sense, passive. Invitations simply are circulate, and but downwards known lanes.

When space-time is 'transcended'outside to certain principles recognized and practiced in the preceding, that is to say in the Cartesian-Ideal lab, Richard Dawkins deprival notwithstanding, it is an invitation to Murphy as the Whiteman'southward god of havoc. These people merely put, volition accept no idea any which and/or what sort of energies will accept constitute their way into our infinite-time continuum. How information technology all plays out is anyone's judge. [39]

return to the women

Noting it was a Russian politician divulged the existence of paranormal battle formations and a Russian general denied this, I would side with the political leader as it is entirely possible remote viewing channels were employed and *expanded* to suggest sure actions, concealed as intuitive thought, while, instance given, directing a sure NATO frigate into the inexplicable (other than attributable to Murphy'southward Law) collision that sank information technology. This proposed scenario should require close, coordinated attention to detail provided in real time through highly gifted (probably female) mediums, and it would exist complex and rely on a convergence of circumstance to succeed. Did it happen? If it did, we'll likely never know. [twoscore]

Another ways of defining 'sorcery' in the ancient indigenous sense would be to place those individuals who footstep outside of the grouping (social) taboo parameters or dissever (isolate) themselves while retaining a high understanding of the use of channels and strings. It was known to happen.

The qualitative difference from ancient to today, concerning the preceding, is stark; the indigenous cultures (everywhere) are in a constant land of drift out of alignment (synchronization with) the natural lodge and (at best) into a locked downwardly imbalance of logos (Jungian sense), no affair if 'liberal', nonetheless representing the Western 'split & separation' of the psyche. From the Western (mistaken) view, this could exist seen as a sort of self-healing herniation, with the (at present autonomous) female intelligence in ever shrinking state. Within the resultant male hierarchical order, the most constructive talent pool for manipulation of the energy strings should be constitute in those organically intelligent women least educated in Cartesian-Platonic methodology and had avoided intense indoctrination into monotheism (the two 'offenders' representing a kind of psychologically malignant, male-narcissist, homosexual coupling.) In other words, those women (of good grapheme) least shaped into the commonage Western male person psychology. An intuitive sense of kinship with nature would be important.

Drawing from this talent pool, going on to manipulate the Cartesian-Ideal 'god of havoc' (Murphy), there subsequently could exist an constructive, collective sorcery method employing the spider web every bit strings (as opposed to channels) that could be devastating in the employ of war.

The method would be to 'spoof' (mimic) the principle of 'mistake recording' where, example given, one's enemy force curtained a 'rape civilisation' in a literal-factual sense (non unusual in the Western civilization'due south history of war machine.) Besides, that force represented an empirically demonstrable, covetous nature and threat, opposed to one's ain community well-being (interpreted past these women as a threat to the feminine nature.)

The caveat-obstacle to this adjacent would be, your ain strength would accept to be nearly lily-white (clean) and gratis of hypocrisy in regards to the preceding (rape culture absolutely NOT tolerated) for this next to be effective.

It could exist so simple as to have these 'brigades' retreat to their most comfy locations in nature, with bare feet on the ground (or otherwise somehow integrated with touch), and meditate with a visceral hate towards their perceived enemies, emphasizing chaos, thereby activating an 'error recording' principle or greater selection pressure onto the opposing strength. In circumstance where there is articulate delineations (without or minimal hypocrisy), counter-attacks should be automatically repelled and returned via the strings resulting in 'termination' events (failed to penetrate the 'clean lite' or skillful graphic symbol element of the error recording principle.)



exterior condolement zone- V -exterior comfort zone

formalism 'hemi-sync'  ^                ^ error recording principle

'cz' is the 'comfort zone' and the Five in the middle represents 'psychological sight.' Equally a metaphor, we can say, the eyes are at the bespeak (bottom) of the 5 and people who depend on Cartesian-Ideal idea (modality) and consistent shaped, narrow perception, take their field of vision contained or restricted inside the V or comfort zone. The same could exist said for all of those whose mentalities had been shaped by Catholicism and its several schisms (spin-offs.) In a manner of speaking, the two are Siamese twins.

The material I have 'pollex-nailed' into this pocket-sized work could exist developed into quite the book (I nigh certainly won't write) detailing a by far greater understanding. In regards to this, but a few things should be mentioned.

The vast gulf of agreement between the ancient indigenous American and modern Western reflects 40,000 years separation co-ordinate to a source I trust (and goes against nearly all modern anthropology.)

"When North America was an ice-age tundra, the first Americans were " cooking " their cultures in the tropical south, moving due north and settling equally the glaciers retreated, according to new linguistic prove from indigenous languages throughout the New World.

"The evidence suggests that humans have been in the Americas for a very long time, perhaps forty,000 years. It besides suggests that about native American languages derived from Ice Historic period inhabitants who were isolated in the Western Hemisphere for many millennia.

"Only forth the w coast do languages appear to come up from immigrants who arrived after the Ice Historic period 14,000 years ago, a Berkeley linguist reports" [41], [42]

Relevant to the preceding the Chinese oracle I-Ching shares identical mathematics principles with the Native American stick game oracle (which is originally only found in the Western tribes of North America.) [43]

The widespread concept of fear known throughout Western civilisation was unknown to the ancient ways depicted in the this work'south text; where 'fear' was tied to the error recording principle and differentiated from survival instinct. In Western culture, the 2 are widely conflated and intensified:

"what Europeans brought into this land of the ontology of the Gift was the experience of fear … one reason that alcohol took such hold on the Native American community was that it helped people to deal with this new experience of fright" [44]

What might help to distinguish these differing experience is the Blackfoot understanding of close encounters with a bear. The rule is "you talk to them." There is a story of Charles 'Chuck' Jonkel had been tracking a carry with cubs in a higher place the village of Westward Glacier, Montana, (I believe information technology is was on Strawberry Mount) when suddenly, equally quick as y'all tin snap your fingers, the sow had his forearm in her rima oris; he'd come to close to her in dumbo brush, without realizing. Non panicking, he began speaking to the bear in gentle tones, profusely apologizing for the intrusion. The carry let him go considering he did not fear. Judging from the photograph attending his obituary at the footnoted link, he'd probable learned his 'native survival instinct' from Indians. [45]

In the ancient ways, spoken language had been considered and then powerful in relation to the channels & strings, restrictions were placed on subjects to be discussed, and how and when. This resulted in a habit of 'euphemism' where, for example if speaking of a Grizzly Behave (casually), you did non speak the bear'due south proper proper noun just referred to that animate being as a "big annoy", so equally to avert drawing the actual field of study's attending.

Relevant to this firsthand preceding, it should exist noted 'sight precedes language' in the native world of agreement; reading the clockwork'south coordination in the energies does not require spoken communication nor does interacting with the same. It is this reporters judge the Native American hand linguistic communication (of silence) is as quondam as the understanding of channels and strings or at least 40,000 years (and probably older than that.)

Fearfulness, on the other mitt, was a express concept having to do with making mistakes (error recordings.) To this subject I volition remember an anecdote of the fourth dimension a main of the Claret Indians, I won't say his name, had been prepared a root medicine (potion) past the women of the Horn Club. He was afraid of it and merely kept it in his kitchen, likewise afraid to throw information technology away. The modern chiefs are notoriously decadent and apparently this principal felt trapped.  His rationale was if this potion was to help him but the people preparing it knew he had fabricated some error, it could actually be meant to kill him.

Where the channels & strings make up a universal framework, there were differing specializations built in to this phenomenon that likely are (or were) genetic predisposition. This would, instance given, reflect in the clan name yous were born into, for example if you were born into the 'worm' clan, the proper name points to a predisposition that, if destined to be properly developed, should metamorphosis into the butterfly or a gifted dreamer, in effect a receiver of the universe'south intuitive knowledge.

Finally, it had been the old ladies protection is what kept this reporter alive. For whatever reasons (never confessed to myself) there were several of the more (most?) knowledgable elderberry women (remnant of the matriarchal chiefs) put out the word through the young men of their respective families: "Make certain Ron comes to no harm." This recalls my kickoff living amid the Blackfeet and the old woman who took me as her son without then much as a question merely but a statement of fact: "The spirit told us you would come."


And then, if you watched the video at the elevation of this post, you know that information technology takes practicing yoga, and meditation to experience the Gateway Process.  That is why YOGA has been greatly promoted and encouraged in this country, and probably beyond the World.  YOGA is a method of getting you lined upwardly with the spirits of darkness.  It opens you up to receive demonic influence.  IF you lot have non seen whatever of my articles on Yoga and Eastern Philosophy, y'all really should look at them.

Emily Perry

Logan, Utah
On a beautiful morning in April 2009, rows of brightly colored yoga mats were spread on
the lawn for students of all ages to practice their 'downwards facing dog' pose forth with
hundreds of other people. Excitement filled the air as participants waited patiently for the guests
of laurels to arrive. Clearly, this was not an ordinary yoga form; this class was existence held on the
vast light-green backyard surrounding the White Business firm as office of the annual Easter Egg Roll celebration, and students would be greeted by then-President Obama and First Lady, Michelle Obama. Yoga had been selected as 1 of the activities that would correspond Michelle Obama'south message of salubrious eating and exercise.1 Subsequent years during the Obama administration connected to include yoga every bit part of the presidential activities, which sends a clear bulletin: yoga has been woven into the fabric of mainstream American club.



President'southward YOGA PALA Claiming 2011 .… Yous can start at present….

Yoga has become a universal language of spiritual practice in the United States , crossing many lines of religions and cultures.Everyday millions of people practice yoga to meliorate their health and overall well-existence. That's why we're encouraging everyone to take office in the Million PALA Challenge (MPC). The MPC is offered by the President'southward Challenge, a program of the President's Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition. Developed in partnership with the Beginning Lady Michelle Obama's "Allow'southward Movement!" initiative, the MPC has set a goal to go 1 million Americans to earn the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award (PALA). Show your support for yoga and answer the challenge!

To accomplish PALA, your goal is to exist active at least 5 days a week for 6 weeks. Youth (6-17 years) should become moving for at least 60 minutes per solar day, and adults (eighteen years or older) should be active for 30 minutes per day.

Ready? Click on the link to register for the Meg PALA Challenge and bring together the Yoga PALA Challenge team!

The official kick off date for the Yoga PALA Claiming is July 29th but yous can become a caput start and brainstorm tracking your activity now!  Remember that any type of physical activity counts towards earning a PALA certificate, so record your yoga activity besides as taking a walk, going for a swim, or playing a sport. Combine your PALA with nutritious meals for a healthy lifestyle!

The 1000000 PALA Challenge concludes on September 14, 2011 and in order to exist counted you must brainstorm by August 1.  Don't delay and first tracking towards your PALA today!  Visit to get started.

And….. If you lot can, join united states of america every bit we collectively launch Yoga PALA Claiming (So, we can all join together, in Corporate worship of the Sunday.) in Washington D.C. Cheque out our website for location and additional information on yoga.

Let's move, exist salubrious, and be in peace!!!!!

Did you know that your tax dollars are paying for many of these folks to accept their yoga classes?

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Rand Paul today released the latest edition to ' The Waste Report, ' an ongoing project cataloguing egregious examples of waste inside the U.S. government . The latest edition highlights the federal regime spending $150,000 of taxpayer dollars to provide free yoga classes for employees at a variety of federal agencies.

'The Waste Report' tin be plant Here or below.

Maybe you saw a Groupon for yoga classes and considered it, but even at a discount you were not sure y'all wanted to spend the coin.

Well if you were an employee at sure federal agencies you would non have to worry near price, because the U.Due south. taxpayer will pick up the tab. That'southward correct. A variety of federal agencies in a number of locations provide "free" yoga classes to employees. But these classes are not free – since 2013; they have cost taxpayers over $150,000.[1]

The U.S. Country Department spends $fifteen,000 for yoga in the nation'due south capital . A yoga instructor from Berkeley, California, is paid $iv,000 a year from the U.S. Section of Agriculture'south Research Service.

Of course, the U.South. Department of Energy (DOE), whichThe Waste Report highlighted trying to buy the Cadillac of treadmills earlier this twelvemonth, has gotten in on taxpayer financed yoga. For $xi,000 annually the DOE also offers Pilates at a California location. Another agency aligning its chakras is the U.Due south. Environmental Protection Agency.

The Railroad Retirement Board spends $11,000 annually for yoga classes for office workers at its Chicago headquarters. Strangely, they reported that participants were initially charged for the course, simply in some kind of weird reversal of economic principles, there was so much demand, the agency decided to start picking up the tab in 2010.

Not all agencies that offer employees yoga at work also pay the toll; many agencies, including the U.Due south. Senate, require participants to pay for the class. [ii]


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