Worms in Raw Organic Dakota Grassfed Beef


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Despite slightly failing beef consumption rates in this state, beef is still what's for dinner in many American households. About consumers think of information technology only as a delicious repast, turning a blind heart to the process that makes those burgers ubiquitous on restaurant menus, backyard grills and dinner tables.

But, overall, global beefiness production has a dangerously large foodprint: most beefiness production is resource-intensive and extracts a huge toll on the environs. These intensively raised cattle are kept in crowded, unhygienic feedlots and fed an unnatural diet. They produce toxic amounts of marsh gas gas, making them a prime contributor to global warming. They're slaughtered at speeds that are besides fast to ensure safe for workers or to prevent feces from contaminating their meat. This organisation is bad for cattle, devastating for our environment, dangerous for the workers who process them and unhealthy for the humans who swallow the meat.

There is an culling. At that place are models in this country for what sustainable beef production can look similar: ones that are better for the animals, for workers, for local communities and for the environment.

What Beef Should Be

  • From cattle raised in clean and good for you weather condition, primarily grazing on pasture.
  • From cattle raised without hormones or other drugs (using antibiotics just to treat ill animals).
  • From cattle allowed to display natural behaviors.
  • From cattle raised by independent farmers who have fair access to processing, distribution and retail markets.
  • Produced with the least possible negative impact on the environs.
  • From animals on well-managed, biodiverse, pasture-based systems and fed a forage-based nutrition.
  • From animals transported and slaughtered humanely, including pre-slaughter stunning.
  • Transported and slaughtered humanely with minimal stress and suffering, and in facilities that pay the utmost attention to creature health and welfare.
  • Butchered and handled carefully and safely.
  • Processed by well-trained workers making a livable wage, working at rubber speeds and without injury.
  • Tasty and nutritious.

Unfortunately, nearly of the beef on the Usa market meets none of these criteria. This is bad for people, the animals, local communities and the planet.

The Beef Industry is Powerful

At 80 billion dollars annually, the US beef industry is the largest in the world. Four companies in the The states control 80 percent of the beef market place. i This consolidation of power in the hands of a few corporations has implications for the entire production system. These large companies limit access to processing and markets for small- to mid-size independent producers – making it hard for such farmers to compete economically.

The corporations' large size has also made them powerful lobbyists, which has led to looser rubber regulations and less oversight. two Beef merchandise groups and their largest corporate members are ofttimes the drivers and beneficiaries of global negotiations on beef. 3

Notation that beef is at present a global commodity, as well, and that the United states also imports beefiness from Commonwealth of australia, Canada, New Zealand and other countries. 4

How Beef Cattle are Raised

Beef from well raised, pastured, unconfined, 100 percent grassfed cattle is the best choice for creature welfare, the environment and your health.  This arrangement requires a loftier degree of farming skills for both livestock and pasture management.

Pasture Direction

Virtually of the millions of beef cattle that end up in feedlots start out life on pasture, on ane of the thousands of farms around the country that manage small herds. Many of these farmers employ herbicides and fertilizers to varying degrees to maximize the growth of the kinds of plants cattle prefer. These intensive chemical-based systems are not as healthy for animals and non every bit environmentally resilient as well managed, diverse pasture systems.

Terms to Know

An area or building where cows are kept for fattening upward — on grain — merely earlier slaughter.

Finishing Beefiness Cattle

During what is called the "finishing" period in their last 4 to six months, virtually beefiness cattle in the Us are moved to a feedlot to quickly attain their "finishing weight." In the feedlot, the animals expend less free energy and are fed a high-calorie, grain-based nutrition, supplemented by food system byproducts and hormones to brand them gain weight more quickly. A grain diet increases levels of Due east. coli in the animals and their waste material, and standing in mud and manure with thousands of others increases their risk of disease. This is in stark contrast to systems that either stop animals on a more sustainably-produced grain-based diet (e.k., organic — but annotation that these animals may still exist finished in feedlots); or — the gold standard — on a pasture-based nutrition with little supplementation.

The Problems with Conventional Beef

The differences between raising cattle in an industrial feedlot versus a pasture-based system are stark, and they bear on animate being welfare, environment, public wellness, workers, local economies and more.

Poor Brute Welfare

Cattle finished in feedlots experience intense stress and unhealthy environments, are given feed that is inappropriate for a ruminant's diet and are subjected to inhumane handling.

Here are ways that this stress affect cattle:

Standing in crowded feedlots, not enough space is allotted for animals to engage in natural behaviors. If the animals have horns, these are usually removed to prevent them from injuring each other. In feedlots with slatted floors, animals' tails may as well be "docked," or cut, to prevent infection that may arise when the tail is damaged from being caught in slats or stood on by other animals; both procedures are generally performed without anesthesia or analgesia. (Without the total length of their tail, animals cannot keep flies away, which may pb to increased peel irritation from insect bites.)

The stressfulness of the animals' atmospheric condition can elevate their stress hormone levels. That's not but bad for the animals but tin also adversely impact meat quality. 5

Feedlots may not accept adequate protection from extreme weather. Animals can develop pare infections from spending months standing in their own waste, and respiratory infections from dust generated in grassless feedlots. 6

Hot prods or electric shocks are commonly used to movement cattle, and while more humane methods of send accept been developed, the crowding, noise and sudden movements tin nevertheless crusade stress for the animals. 7 Transport vehicles are crowded, hot and oftentimes lack proper ventilation and acceptable water. 8

Problems like incomplete stunning or killing can occur, peculiarly with fast line speeds at processing plants. nine (See Worker Health and Safety for more than on line speeds.)

Cattle Feed

Cattle are ruminants and graze on grass and other forages (plants that grow alongside grasses). Even so, no grass grows in feedlots — in fact, part of the definition of a concentrated animate being feeding functioning (CAFO) is that animal traffic is so intense that grass does non abound.

The diet of feedlot cattle primarily consists of grains; generally, a mix of corn with soybeans for poly peptide. Their diets can too include:

  • Byproducts or excesses from other parts of the nutrient system, such as candy, orange lurid from juice factories, cookie crumbs and other bakery waste material, beet tops from sugar product or spent distillers' grain.
  • Fauna byproducts, including poultry litter and animal waste. 10

Cattle's four stomachs are designed to digest grass, not grain. Grain increases the acidity of the digestive tract, a status called acidosis, which causes concrete discomfort, intestinal damage, dehydration, liver abscesses and even death. 11 East.coli thrive in this acidic environment, and can contaminate the meat if information technology is non processed carefully. 12

Additionally, the marketplace price of feed made mostly of corn and soybeans is about 25 percent below the toll of production of these grains mainly due to various land and federal policies, which essentially "subsidizes" large scale industrial fauna agriculture by keeping feed prices artificially depression. 13 If industrial producers had to pay total costs for their feed, the cost advantages they bask would be significantly or entirely eliminated. fourteen

Animal Wellness Equals Human Health

Americans consume about i pound of beef per week – three times more than than the recommended portion (of two to 3 ounces of carmine meat served once or twice a week). When it comes to what animals swallow: what's practiced for animals is good for people. Grain feeding limits animals' ability to create sure kinds of conjugated linoleic acids (CLAs), considered "expert" fatty acids, specifically omega-3 fatty acids, which take many human health benefits, including reduced cancer and cardiovascular disease risks. (A CLA ratio of omega-six to omega-3 fatty acids betwixt 1:one and four:1 is considered platonic.)

Grassfed beef typically is loftier in omega-3 fatty acids, while grain-fed beef has about none (both have similar omega-six profiles). xv Grassfed beef also has higher levels of antioxidants such as Vitamins A and E, along with enzymes superoxide dismutase and catalase, which fight complimentary radicals.

Better Creature Welfare Options

There are options for eating better beefiness. Farms that employ humane beast welfare practices follow standards for animal living weather. These include:

  • Providing adequate space for animals to graze and engage in natural behaviors.
  • Providing acceptable animal waste material management; on pasture, manure is naturally composted into the soil, improving soil quality.
  • Castrating male animals past two months of age to minimize hurting and discomfort.
  • Avoiding other concrete alterations, like tail docking and horn removal.
  • Using drugs (including antibiotics) just to care for affliction.

At that place is only ane animal welfare certification that positively exceeds these baseline practices, prohibiting solitude and requiring high standards for slaughter and transport: Certified Animate being Welfare Approved past A Greener Globe (AWA). 16

Ecology and Community Impacts of Beef Production

Industrial beef production is highly resource-intensive. Inputs into the system are excessive and highly concentrated — and and so is what results.

Too Much Manure

One of the well-nigh negative aspects of industrial beef and other animal production is excessive amounts of manure.

Manure can exist a rich source of soil nutrients. When applied in appropriate amounts, manure returns nitrogen and phosphorous to the soil, enriching farmland, pastures and grassland. Industrial brute farms can produce between two,800 tons and one.6 million tons of animal waste a year. 17 It is estimated that 500 1000000 tons of brute waste is produced each year from all industrial livestock operations, 3 times more than the sewage produced by the United states of america population. 18 And depending on the climate, feedlot animal waste material is either collected in large holes in the ground (called lagoons) and sprayed untreated on farm fields, or it just dries out on the feedlot and turns to dust. Lagoons can leak; animal waste product sprayed on fields can run off the soil; dust blows away.

At that place are many ecology and community impacts from such vast quantities of creature waste material:

  • Animal waste that seeps into groundwater or runs off into surface water carries backlog nitrogen and phosphorous, which can cause algal blooms and die-offs of aquatic species. 19
  • Leaner and other pathogens in manure dust can cause health problems.
  • Residues of growth-promoting hormones, antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant leaner are all found in feedlot brute waste material. These contaminants seep into soil and water and disperse into the air along with the animal waste, where they become health hazards for workers and for the public.
  • Overwhelming odors from large quantities of animal waste — combined with attending health risks — result in lower property values in surrounding communities.

The H2o Footprint of Beef

Not simply does feedlot animal waste product pollute water, but intensive beef production as well uses an extraordinary amount of fresh h2o. Cattle are relatively inefficient at converting feed to meat. 20 In an intensive (grain) feeding system, one percentage of gross cattle feed calories are converted into calories that humans tin consume; and only four pct of the protein that cattle eat becomes poly peptide that humans tin can swallow. More feed equals more water. Calorie for calorie, beefiness cattle raised intensively eat more than double the amount of h2o used by lamb, and more than than three times the amount used by chicken. 21

The water footprint of beef is primarily determined by the book and quality of the cattle'due south nutrition and how the feed was grown. Depending on the region, feed grain and pasture can be grown primarily or exclusively with rainfall, but the corn and soybeans grown for conventional feedlot feed are more likely to depend on irrigation. 22 23

Irrigation is rare on pasture, though in dry years farmers supplement their own grass with hay, which increases the water footprint.

Climate Impacts and Greenhouse Gases

In that location is a debate at the heart of beef production methods and climate effects. Beef product requires a lot of energy and is one of the biggest generators of greenhouse gases. Cattle, like all mammals, burp and fart. Their emissions contain pregnant quantities of methane, a greenhouse gas 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide. 24

The scientific discipline is nevertheless evolving, but we know:

  • That pasture wellness is correlated to the soil's capacity to trap, or sequester, carbon, which is a good affair. 25
  • That large scale cattle operations crave brute waste pits, piles and lagoons, which tin can concentrate and amplify nitrous oxide production.
  • The pesticides and fertilizers used in conventional corn and soy product are fabricated from fossil fuels, further entrenching the oil and gas industries in this industrialized system. 26
  • That sustainably managed, pasture-based systems compost waste straight into the soil and that overall, there is a "carbon negative" or climate benefit opportunity from pasture-based systems that are managed properly.
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Reproduced with permission from the Rodale Institute.

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Reproduced with permission from the Rodale Constitute.

However, at that place is still considerable debate around the climate impacts and benefits of both industrial and pasture-raised beefiness. On the one manus, electric current studies do not business relationship for the ability of soils/pasture to hold (sequester) carbon from the atmosphere. On the other hand, grain-finished, confinement operation proponents contend that overall, they tin can finish animals in a shorter time (with fertilizers, drugs and pesticide-intensive grains, however) and therefore can offset the climate benefits of pasture. But, of course, this industrial model of raising cattle comes with compromises to animal heath, soil health, ecology health and public wellness. 27

A carefully controlled report past the Rodale Found, conducted in comparison fields, illustrates the potential and promise of pasture-based systems overall — and in climate impacts specifically. 28

Progressive farmers around the world are studying pasture-based systems closely as an opportunity to reduce the climate affect of beef production. Soil is alive. When nurtured in a pasture-based system (without chemicals or drugs), good for you soil can absorb a nifty deal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and be an extremely efficient "carbon sink" that can besides process manure directly on site and into the soil. The better and more than diverse the pasture and the deeper the root structure, the more carbon information technology tin can sequester. Alternative cattle breeds are also an important element of the organisation. Animals bred for feedlot production are not necessarily the best at optimizing energy conversion from grass in a pasture-based system.

These types of regenerative practices explore new frontiers, kickoff with improving soil health (not just maintaining information technology), which helps the surround all the way up the nutrient production chain. Some of the methods currently being implemented will define the best beefiness farming practices of the futurity — non only for reducing and capturing greenhouse gas emissions, only to get animals to their finishing weight rapidly without compromising the health of the entire system.

Worker Health and Safety

It is not only the animals who suffer in the industrial feedlot system — workers on farms/feedlots and in processing plants exercise, too. Merely what happens when workers effort to change that system? Whistleblowers are oft harassed into stopping their complaints, or are outright fired, with petty legal recourse.

Worker injuries OSHA infographic
Click to view larger version.
Hither are some of the ways that worker health and rubber are compromised in industrial beef production:

On the Subcontract

Working with cattle is physically demanding and tin be dangerous. According to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration, in 2011, injury rates for workers in fauna agronomics were 6.7 per 100 workers, compared to an average rate of three.viii injuries per 100 for all workers. 29 Workers are also exposed to toxins and pathogens in the creature waste, and where antibiotics are used daily, studies show farm workers are at college adventure for exposure to antibiotic-resistant bacteria. 30 31

In Processing Plants

Animal slaughter and meat processing are also extremely dangerous jobs. While injury rates in processing plants accept declined over the last decade, they are still among the highest in the manufacturing professions. According to the US Government Accountability Office (GAO), more tin can and should be done to track and protect workers from injury and illness. 32

Despite the dangers, meat-processing workers are poorly paid and often exploited. For example, until a 2016 Supreme Court ruling, workers were not paid for the fourth dimension they spent putting on and taking off protective gear at the beginning and end of their shifts. 33

Increasing Line Speeds Increases Danger

To maximize profits, processors regularly increase the speed at which animals are processed. Today, plants slaughter as many as 400 animals an hr. 34

The speed at which meat-processing workers are expected to work, along with sharp tools, stiff chemicals and hot pressurized water, contribute to a high injury rate. And the injuries are serious: torn muscles, pinched fretfulness, broken bones, deep cuts and crippling repetitive stress injuries. Fifty-fifty amputated fingers or limbs are common. 35

What Improve Worker Welfare Means

Better worker welfare includes many elements:

  • A livable wage.
  • Safe atmospheric condition with fewer (and well-managed) physical, chemic and biological hazards.
  • Slower line speeds. This allows for more conscientious cutting and processing and tin dramatically improve worker and food rubber.

Food worker safety has been slow to be addressed in the U.s.a., both at the governmental level, where regulations are inadequate, and by the good nutrient motility, which has focused more than on environmental and health concerns.

illnesses were recorded from contaminated beef betwixt 1998 and 2008

Nutrient Prophylactic and Public Health

The Centers for Disease Command (CDC) approximate that each twelvemonth at least 48 million people will exist sickened, 128,000 people volition exist hospitalized and 3,000 people will die from foodborne illness. 36 CDC estimates suggest that 22 percent of these illnesses and 29 percent of foodborne affliction deaths are attributable to beefiness. 37

Between 1998 and 2008, beefiness deemed for:

  • 99,000 illnesses from Salmonella and coli.
  • Well-nigh 2,400 hospitalizations.
  • 30-v deaths.
  • $356 meg estimated health care costs. 38

The scale on which industrialized meat is produced makes it difficult to address foodborne disease outbreaks. I meatpacking plant processes thousands of animals per twenty-four hour period and the meat is shipped around the state. One hamburger might contain beefiness from 100 cows. 39 Tracing a contaminated product back to its source is therefore a claiming – it is also a race against time, as other consumers may be eating the same tainted meat. Even once the source is establish, the authorities does non have dominance to issue a meat recall, but to make a causal cess. A recall must exist voluntarily issued by the violating visitor. twoscore

Bacterial contamination happens when intestinal contents or fecal thing come in contact with the meat during slaughter and processing. Processing at high speeds, every bit is now mutual with industrially produced and candy meat, requires workers to piece of work more quickly and be less careful, increasing the run a risk of contagion.

While illness outbreaks caused past E. coli bacteria may get much of the media attention – and in fact, beef is the almost common food cause of E.coli infection – it is far from the only bacterium or toxin found in beef. 41

Salmonella bacteria are the most common cause of foodborne illness across all foods; Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, Clostridium perfringens and Enterococci are some of the other illness-causing pathogens found in beef. The Us Department of Agriculture requires testing simply for Salmonella and a specific strain of specially unsafe Due east.coli. 42 While whatsoever beef that tests positive for the E.coli strain is prohibited from existence sold raw, 7.five percent of ground beef is legally allowed to contain Salmonella and be sold. 43

In 2015, Consumer Reports tested various kinds of raw ground beef for bacteria. They found that beefiness produced without antibiotics, with organic and/or grassfed practices, was significantly less probable to test positive for E.coli than the samples of industrially-produced beef. The industrially-raised beef also had college levels of Staphylococcus aureus, suggesting contamination from treatment and processing. 44

Meat from pastured animals has less adventure, discussed in item below.

"...we do mix beef from different delivery batches and the resulting batches [of burgers] can exist fabricated upward of the meat from more than 100 cattle."

Antibiotic Overuse and Antibiotic Resistance: A Public Wellness Crisis

An fifty-fifty more alarming danger beingness bred in feedlot beef cattle is antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Antibiotics take been used in livestock feed since the 1940s, when studies showed that the drugs caused animals to abound more than quickly. 45 While the FDA banned the use of antibiotics for growth purposes starting in 2017, there is likely piffling ability to enforce these rules. 46 Today, non-therapeutic antibiotics are routinely given to livestock on industrial farms to prevent affliction that may otherwise be caused by crowded and unsanitary conditions.

The problem is that misuse or overuse of antibiotics leads to development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria rendering these powerful and life-saving drugs obsolete. When bacteria are continually exposed to small-scale doses of an antibody, those resistant to the drug survive and reproduce while the rest die off, resulting in a new leaner population that is resistant to the antibody. 47

The World Health Arrangement and many other public health bodies consider antibody resistance a global public health crunch, with more than than one-half of some bacteria groups in some countries already resistant to antibiotics. 48 In the US, at least two 1000000 people are infected annually with antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and 23,000 die. 49 And all the same, there is non enough move to curb the biggest contributor to this looming threat: 80 percent of all antibiotics sold in 2014 were for use in subcontract animals. 50

Antibody-resistant bacteria bred in feedlots do non stay there. Both antibiotics and resistant leaner tin leech into surface and ground water from animal waste sprayed on fields. 51 Bacteria also travel on workers, on flies and in the air – likewise as contaminating improperly-handled meat. 52 53 54

Of additional concern, in Consumer Reports' 2015 findings, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), an increasingly mutual strain of bacteria resistant to many antibiotics, was establish in three samples of conventional beef. MRSA was not institute in the more than sustainably-raised beef Consumer Reports tested. 55 Organic and/or grassfed beefiness was half equally probable to contain multi-antibiotic-resistant leaner as feedlot-finished beef, and 100 pct grassfed meat was three times less likely to conduct these strains. 56

Other Drugs and Additives in Meat

Drugs, including growth hormones, are regularly given to cattle in feedlots to brand them gain weight more than quickly on less feed. Some of these drugs, like the growth-promoter ractopamine, have been banned in many other countries. 57

Approximately 450 drugs are approved for use in US animal production, many of which can be used for non-therapeutic purposes — that is, for purposes other than treating disease.

Unfortunately, today's food condom measures focus on specifics of meat processing rather than taking a holistic view of the means in which the whole system is at risk for contamination. Measures such as visual inspection, occasional testing and end-of-the-line solutions (similar antiseptic washes) or packaging gases (like carbon monoxide, which keeps meat looking red for longer) are the chief lines of defense force against bacterial contamination. Additionally, additives similar these are considered "processing aids," and, like drugs fed to the animals, are not required to be disclosed on the final production.

The Power of the Beefiness Manufacture: An Uneven Playing Field

Need for beef is high, and by creating vast economies of scale in its feedlot production systems, the beefiness industry has not only met that demand but done information technology cheaply. Proponents of industrial agriculture point to the high volume of low-cost food that it produces.

However, the drop in the cost of meat over the last few decades is due, in office, to how confinement production leverages economies of scale; simply it is also due to externalization of costs and to the political power of the meat industry.

Externalization of Costs

While the companies reap all the turn a profit from livestock production, in that location are many costs intrinsic to the process that they literally practice not pay for and which are instead often borne by taxpayers. These include (but aren't limited to):

  • The costs of cleaning up polluted water, air and soil.
  • Health care costs for asthma or other illnesses associated with concentrated fauna feeding operations (CAFOs).
  • Property values lost when a CAFO moves into a customs.
  • Lost jobs and taxation revenue as small businesses close due to corporate consolidation.

Terms to Know

How a business maximizes its profits by off-loading indirect costs and forcing negative effects to a tertiary party — in the case of the beef industry, the taxpayer.

Political Power in the Meat Industry

These cost externalizations have been allowed to develop because the meat industry has get politically powerful. Just 4 companies (Cargill, JBS, National and Tyson) ain and operate 80 percentage of beefiness processing. 58 As these meatpacking companies take grown, they accept bought upwardly more parts of the supply chain in a procedure called vertical integration: rather than several unlike companies owning the feedlot, the abattoir and the processing found, one company owns all those pieces. 59 Other livestock industries are fifty-fifty more vertically integrated than beefiness; the big poultry companies, for example, own the entire supply chain (with the sole exception of the facilities where chicks grow to total size – to the extreme detriment of the growers, or owners, of those farms) from egg genetics through craven cutlet.

The beef industry, by contrast, all the same has cow-calf farmers raising calves on pasture and grazing cattle on ranchland. The trouble is that the large meatpackers command the market for cattle to get beef. Contained farmers and ranchers can sell their cattle to a feedlot for finishing, but if they instead want to heighten their animals on grass until they are ready to exist turned into beef, they have few options.

In comparison to past decades, there are fewer processors and distributors who will purchase cattle from a farmer, slaughter and process them, and also have market access for the beef. This ways farmers sometimes have to transport their animals long distances to slaughter, further driving upwardly the costs of grassfed beefiness. 60

Beef Industry Marketing and Lobbying Practices

In part, the industry has been able to do all of the aforementioned, because of a federal programme chosen Checkoff, which requires livestock farmers to pay a tax on every beast sold which is allocated  to private trade groups like the National Cattlemen'due south Beefiness Association. These groups, which primarily at present represent large meatpackers rather than family famers, use the revenue to back up advertizing (including campaigns similar, "Beef. It'south What'due south for Dinner.") and research, while besides lobbying for policies that are beneficial to large-scale industrial agriculture and detrimental to independent family farms. Checkoff is now substantially a tax that works against the interests of about of the people who pay it. 61

In some other case, consumers and progressive ranchers have long supported Land of Origin Labeling (COOL) laws for meat, which were passed in the 2002 Farm Bill. For farmers, COOL was a way to distinguish their The states-raised beefiness from imports, which was a helpful marketing tool; consumers liked having the pick to buy meat from cattle grown in the US specifically. The meat trade associations, however, lobbied hard against Absurd because the big meatpackers are multinational and the power to sell unlabeled meat across borders is ameliorate for their bottom line. The USDA eventually repealed COOL, following a conform by Canada and Mexico over the rules at the World Trade Organization. 62 There are currently no laws requiring country of origin labeling on meat, despite wide consumer support.

The Promise of Sustainable and Regenerative Beef

What animals eat, how they are raised, whether they were given drugs regularly for non-therapeutic purposes, how they were treated, how they are processed: these factors all have big impacts on the environs, animals, workers, public health and the meat itself.

1-off stopgap "solutions" to the problems of industrial beefiness production exercise not take the unabridged arrangement into account. Though they may produce short-term changes, they exercise not make the necessary long-term touch. Until we address the whole organization, including animal welfare, non-therapeutic drugs, animal waste material, worker safety, farmer livelihood and more, nosotros will go along to fall short in having the healthiest food production organisation for animals, the environment, for our communities and for our families.

Beef Infographic Cover Image
Click to view full infographic.

Organic-Based Agronomics

Organic and biodynamic product systems have been effectually since the 1970s and 80s, laying out non just a philosophy, but a set up of production practices that are key to electric current sustainable agriculture systems. In 2002, the USDA started the National Organic Program, which include the standards that strongly underlie environmentally sustainable practices addressing chemical, pesticide, fertilizer and drug use. These practices include:

  • Farms must take plans including tracking inputs and outputs.
  • All feed for animals must be 100 percent organic.
  • Livestock are required to have continuous access to pasture during the grazing season.
  • Livestock must exist allowed 120 days on pasture annually.
  • Pasture must be organic, which means that information technology cannot be treated with synthetic or sewage sludge-based fertilizers or constructed pesticides. 63

Today, "organic" is a label that needs to be farther strengthened with additional certifications for worker and beast welfare, also.

Regenerative Beast Agriculture

The concept of sustainability is evolving into a broader concept of regenerative: production that non merely minimizes harm to animals, the environment, workers and public health, but optimizes benefits in each of those areas by replenishing the state to complete the circuit.

Through the lens of regeneration, a region's ecology, biome, physical and chemic properties all play a office in building healthy soil, including pastures for beef cattle. The better the soil, the amend the root structures; the better the pasture, the more nutritious for animals and the less need for pesticides, fertilizers and other inputs. But regenerative systems go across soil to include other environmental, beast and worker health and welfare practices. 64 Building regenerative practices on an organic foundation has a lot of advantages, including market clarity.

Raising truly sustainable beefiness means that animals graze on pasture and are non bars. Regenerative practices maximize the benign relationship between herds and grassland and can amend soil health and the quality of the pasture – reducing the need for supplemental feedstocks. 65

Regenerative pasturing principles call for animals to be concentrated in one area until they have eaten the grasses downwardly, also as turned up the soil with their hooves and left their manure to compost. They are rotated to some other pasture while the spent pasture absorbs the nutrients left backside in the turned upwardly soil and the grasses regrow. Proficient properly, this technique can improve and regenerate the soil and grassland.

Such healthy and nutrient-rich soil has many benefits, including:

  • Grows stronger and more nutrient-rich grass.
  • Is able to concord more than h2o, reducing runoff and erosion.
  • Evidence suggests that such soil can sequester carbon, offsetting some of the methane production intrinsic to raising cattle. 66
  • Back up greater biodiversity — including earthworms and insects that further work the soil, benign insects and pest predators.

Along with improved grassland and healthier meat, raising ruminant animals this fashion allows them to swallow what they naturally swallow, reduces the demand for medical care, decreases the stress and discomfort experienced during transport and crowding and allows animals to exhibit their natural behaviors — including that most essential beliefs of eating grass. In short, raising cattle on pasture measures up to the highest levels of animal welfare practices. 67

Allow'south Gear up This: Creating a Organisation That Makes Sense

Until we take meliorate regulations that alter the way most of our beef and other meat is produced, the ability to shift demand is in the hands of those who are buying: consumers, institutions, retail outlets, schools, hospitals and more.

Collectively, we can shift demand. Here's how:

i. Reduce Consumption

There are many reasons to decrease how much beefiness yous eat. If nothing else, beef is a resource-intensive, inefficient nutrient: just i per centum of gross cattle feed calories is converted into calories humans can consume, and simply 4 per centum of the protein cattle eat becomes protein humans can eat.  Consuming less beef overall tin can besides mean spending your beefiness dollars on more sustainably produced, better quality meat, instead.

To put a more positive spin on information technology: the less beef that needs to be raised, the better that beef can exist — meaning fewer environmental impacts with healthier results for animals and people.

Sound daunting to eat less beef? Hither are some means to get started:

  • Limit ruby-red meat consumption to one to two times per week or less. Meatless Monday tin can help.
  • Re-recall serving size. USDA counts simply two to three ounces as a serving, but beef is oftentimes sold in large cuts and restaurants normally offer servings of six to eight ounces.
  • Move meat to the side. Serve plant-based foods at the center of the plate, and care for meat as a side or a treat.
  • Use meat for flavor. Take a cue from cuisines that combine small-scale amounts of meat with larger portions of vegetables or grains.

2. Look for Labels that Mean Something

Beef labels are complicated. At that place is no i label that comprehensively accounts for if the cow was raised entirely on pasture, if that pasture was sustainably maintained, if the animal was well treated and if the workers were fairly treated and compensated. As a result, consumers must decide what factors are almost important to them then seek out the appropriate label.

The most comprehensively useful labels you can find are the Certified Grassfed past a Greener World (AGW) (an optional, additional accreditation to Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW), the PCO Certified Organic Grassfed characterization and the NOFA Certified Grassfed label since they require that the animals ate a pasture-based nutrition of simply grass, were never confined to feedlots, and had no daily diet of drugs. The certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW label (without "Grassfed") is as well very meaningful when information technology comes to animal welfare standards, including comprehensive standards for raising, transport and slaughter.

The USDA Organic characterization has among the strongest standards for ecology sustainability, including prohibiting constructed fertilizers and industrial pesticides, as well equally stringent standards for 100 percent Organic feed. The Certified Naturally Grown label, started past farmers who did not want to go through the organic certification procedure, has similarly high sustainability standards, but does not include third party certification, as with USDA Organic or the Animal Welfare Approved past AGW labels. Higher than both of them is the Biodynamic label which would be our very acme pick if it were more widely available. Though it is not widely bachelor, the Food Justice certification is a comprehensive label for social justice in farming and requires farms to exist certified organic as a prerequisite.

To learn more virtually the many labels you might find on your beef, which ones are useful and which are less so, visit our Nutrient Label Guide guide.

3. Make the Almost of What You Purchase

Knowing what unlike cuts and grades of beef are will aid you make the most of the meat you buy.

Understanding the Grading Arrangement for Beefiness

While the USDA has established grading ("prime," "option" and "select") for grain-finished beef, it has not established grading for grassfed beef. That's in function because grassfed beef is leaner than grain-finished, then the fat marble grading arrangement isn't directly applicative. The best grassfed beefiness will come up from animals that grazed as much every bit possible on diverse pasture. Look for "pasture raised" along with certified grassfed claims to buy the best quality grassfed meat.

Beef Cuts

If you don't know what the cut is, you won't know how to cook it. Both an overcooked tenderloin and an undercooked chuck roast will be tough and less than tasty. This is particularly true for leaner grassfed meat.

A general rule is that the more active the office of the cattle the cut is from, the longer and slower it needs to cook. Cuts from the cadre of the animal — annihilation with "loin" in the proper name, along with cuts like hanger steaks and flatirons — are muscle mass that hasn't had to work very much and is thus more naturally tender. These cuts tin exist cooked quickly.

Cuts from the extremities, large joints and other load-bearing areas are tougher considering they've worked more. Hip, shoulder, legs, cervix — meat from these areas of the animal need to be slowly roasted or braised to allow the tougher connective tissue cook down and get tender.

iv. Find Great Local Farmers and Ranchers

Despite the challenges, more than and more farmers are raising beef using sustainable practices. Buying direct from producers — through customs supported agriculture (CSAs) or at farmers' markets — can be a good way to support those efforts and get amazing grassfed beef. Note also that many of the labels mentioned above take directories of certified farms and/or brands.

5. Work Towards Alter Beyond Your Table

Ethical consumerism — individual people making ameliorate choices when they purchase beef — is a bully starting point, but working towards amend regulations and practices industry-wide is also important.

  • Follow usa on Twitter for the latest news near policy developments and what you lot can do to aid button policy in a more sustainable direction.
  • Read our web log to stay upwards to appointment on food issues.

Meet Some Farmers Who Are Getting Information technology Right

Will Harris
Will Harris

Will Harris raises cattle and other animals on land his great-grandfather started tending in 1866. After a life of raising cattle following post-World War Two industry "all-time practices" that included pesticides, antibiotics and hormones, in the mid-1990s he started to realize that his ranch had get a monoculture. He ditched the chemicals and began working the state, much as his great-grandfather had, post-obit sustainable practices that benefitted the soil, the animals, the people who worked the ranch and the people they fed. White Oak Pastures is now a model of sustainable farming in the U.s.a..

Dan Gibson, Grazin' Angus Acres Farm
Dan Gibson

Dan Gibson of Grazin' Angus Acres Farm takes grassfed beef seriously. He'south spent years cultivating the nigh nutritious grass for his herd of 300 Black Angus cattle, a feed that he says results in beef with as much omega-3s as wild salmon. And rather than slaughter at the typical 12 to 15 months, Dan allows his cattle to graze for around iii years, allowing for fully marbled, highly nutritious beef. These loftier standards have earned Gibson the seal of approval from third-party certifier Animate being Welfare Approved, based on his care and concern for his animals and quality production. And at Grazin', his Hudson, NY diner — the first Fauna Welfare Approved eating house in the world — you can gustatory modality that grassfed beef starting time hand and witness the synergy betwixt restaurant and farm.

What Needs to Change

  • Meaningful animate being welfare standards should exist included for USDA Organic certification for meats and dairy.
  • Clear antibiotic labeling and no not-therapeutic apply of antibiotics. Antibiotics should only be administered to treat illness.
  • Rigorous USDA standards for "grassfed" that practice not permit confinement, regular drugs or feed produced with pesticides and fertilizers.
  • No more than "natural" on labels. A Consumer Reports survey constitute that consumers are nether the impression that "natural" is more credible than "organic." However, this could non be farther from the truth. "Natural" has such minimal requirements every bit to be meaningless, whereas "USDA Organic" is a certified, verifiable label.


While in that location are huge problems with the arrangement by which most of the beef on the U.s. market is produced, there are clear solutions at our fingertips. Some of those solutions are in the hands of farmers — like the ones we mention here. Some of these are in the hands of consumers — such as eating less industrially-produced meat and supporting the producers who are modeling better practices. Some solutions are in the hands of policymakers. Working together, we can foster a organisation of meat production, distribution and consumption that lowers beef's foodprint. Alter is on the horizon, and nosotros all take a role to play in getting us in that location.

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Source: https://foodprint.org/reports/the-foodprint-of-beef/

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